Thursday, October 8, 2009

Would you recomend straight bangs and straight medium length hair for an oval face?

An oval face is considered the perfect shape--suitable for any hair style. However, other things to be considered would be age, hair texture, body shape, nose and eye features. For instance, someone with an oval face yet is short and plump wouldn't look their best with bangs. Also, a prominent nose needs some balance by not having the hair too far down on the forehead. You get the picture.

Would you recomend straight bangs and straight medium length hair for an oval face?

yes i would

Would you recomend straight bangs and straight medium length hair for an oval face?

As long as you don't have "cow licks" you should be fine. The wonderful thing about an oval face is you can wear your hair short or long, bangs or no bangs. I have cow licks so my bangs would pop up in two places and looked stupid, but when I could get enough gel in them to convince them to lay flat it looked great.

Would you recomend straight bangs and straight medium length hair for an oval face?

oval faces are the best... any hairstyle can fit it. i would say that it would be a really nice look! :D

Would you recomend straight bangs and straight medium length hair for an oval face?

i recommend it, i gotta oval face and i look great in bangs

Would you recomend straight bangs and straight medium length hair for an oval face?


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